
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Review+Disccussion: To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

Author: Jenny Han

Publisher: Scholastic (August 7th, 2014)

Genre: Contemporary

Pages: 420

Lara Jean keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. One for every boy she's ever loved. When she writes, she can pour out her heart and soul and say all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly Lara Jean's love life goes from imaginary to out of control...

Spoiler free review:

This book was just what I needed to read!

I really liked it to be honest (I gave it 5/5 stars at the beginning but then thought of it and gave it 4/5 stars instead), but I had some flaws with it. It wasn't the most amazing contemporary read.

But let me tell you: this is a really fluffy story. 


This is definitely a guilty-pleasure read. I had some problems with it, but I still found it cute and couldn't put the book down.

I read half of the book in one sitting.Yeah, half of the book.

I'm improving.

No but seriously I'm reading faster now than in September. I'm proud of myself.


Even though the beginning was a bit slow (I felt like nothing really happened in the first 50 pages), it caught up really quickly. I found it super easy to read, and I could get into it easily (after the first 50 pages).

The plot was simple. I mean that it's not the most original idea, but it's really good, I liked it. But I found that the letters didn't have a big role in the middle and the end of the book as I expected. But I think it was just a way of introducing the actual plot, like the love story.

The writing style was easy and simple (it's probably why it's super easy to read). The sentences were short and simplified, and not consistent at all. That's why I read half of the book in one sitting.

I had a problem with some characters. I didn't like all of them. For example, I LOVED Josh. He was so amazing (I was team Josh all the way), and Lara Jean (I know that's a long name, but just go with it), the main character, was cute and quirky, I liked her, but sometimes (especially at the beginning), she acted like a child?
Let's take another example: Peter K. I don't know how to feel about this character. I liked him, but I didn' him? And Margot (Lara Jean's older sister) was just annoying. This girl was over-organised. She made me so angry.

But that ending was not enough. It ended...just like that. I needed more.

The author could have added about 50 pages and just sum-up the book. There's no need for a second one.

After finishing the book, I just thought: what's the point of this book? I mean what's its goal? I didn't learn anything at the end of it...

Overall, even though I had some flaws with it, I loved reading To All The Boys I've Loved Before. It was what I needed to fully get out of my reading slump.

Now, we're moving to a spoiler-filled discussion, so if you haven't read the book yet, don't read this part (or go read the book and come back so we can talk about it). I warned you.

I was team Josh all the way.

This is not fair (for me, of course).

I wasn't a big fan of the relationship between Lara Jean and Peter. Because it just started out of nothing. Peter wanted to make his ex-girlfriend jealous, and Lara Jean wanted to make Josh...what?

And they started a fake relationship. I found this really childish.

I was just sitting here like: 

I mean, I just don't get the point of this fake relationship.

Why...Lara Jean and Josh were super cute!

I know what you're thinking: Josh was her sister's ex-boyfriend, so she couldn't choose him.

The fact is that: I understood it. I would feel guilty as well if I did this this my sister. But I had hope. A tiny little bit of hope.

Because I didn't like Margot. She was...annoying, and judgmental. She told Lara Jean to stay away from Peter without even knowing him. Even though I don't really like Peter, but...get to know him first... 

And where are the letters in all of this? I wanted the letters to have a bigger role... I know it was just a way to introduce the love story, but still.

And that ending...Lara Jean friend-zoned Josh, Margot and Lara Jean got in a fight and forgave each other at the end, we get that. But then, I think the author could just have added about 50 pages in the book, where Lara Jean and Peter get back together, and that's the end. I don't know why there would be a second book... Guess I'll have to read it to know.

But the thing is that: I enjoyed reading this book. I couldn't stop reading it. It wasn't that bad.

I didn't realize I was annoyed by the characters and the ending until I actually finished the book. So I don't deny the fact that I found the book so cute (especially the Josh and Lara Jean scenes) (yeah I'm still hoping) (yes I know it's impossible), and fluffy.

What did you think of this book?


  1. i thought pretty much the same things that you did! this whole book was pretty much a fluff-fest, but i thought that was interesting. i liked what you said about the writing style, because i felt pretty much the same thing. it was so simple, but it was easy and simple to read.


    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH, NISHA! Glad you like my new style! :D

  2. Mmm, it feels like a lot of contemporaries out there are like that tbh - with no goal/bigger picture at the end - so maybe it comes with the genre? I dunno.
    But yeah, I've been in a "I WANT FLUFF" mood lately...I'll have to get this book for when I next get into that mood! :) Thanks for the review, Maha!

    1. Thank you so much! You should pick it up if you're in the mood so we can talk about it ;)

  3. I haven't read it yet, so I skipped the spoiler section bUT I REALLY WANT TO. XD I kind of see this one everywhere which makes me really want to read it. xD It sounds really cute and fluffy, although the pointless-ness is a bit of a worry for me... :P
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. I actually didn't know it was pointless when I started it, because I hadn't had read a lot of reviews then... Go read the book and come so you can read the spoiler section ;)
      And you're welcome, I LOVE your blog!

  4. It's adorably fluffy, and I really liked it at the time (like a year ago ohmigod), but I totally agree - why didn't the letters (the reason I read the book besides that gorgeous cover) make more of an impact on the story? *sigh* I guess it was just there to herald the love story!


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